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What does the Certainty Register do?

Wills & Probate

For Total Peace of Mind, we can Register your Will with Certainty

When you make a Will with us, we can register it with the online Wills database Certainty.

Why Register?

In a recent survey, 67% of people in the UK did not know where to find their parents’ Wills. The passage of time, house moves, a new Will and new relationships are all contributing factors to your family not being able to find your Will when you pass away.

When your Will is needed, the register gives you total peace of mind, ensuring that your loved ones can quickly and easily locate your Will at this most distressing time.

What Does the Register Do?

  • It allows your family to locate your Will when you pass away
  • It records the solicitor where your Will is held
  • It ensures that your last wishes are respected
  • It gives you peace of mind


What Happens if I Don’t Register?

If your Will is missing, your loved ones do not automatically get everything

Your beneficiaries may not receive inheritance in accordance with your instructions

  • Your loved ones may be financially penalised
  • The Courts distribute your assets deciding who gets what
  • It may be assumed that you did not write a Will and again the Courts may distribute your assets
  • An old will may be discovered and deemed as your final wishes
  • Family disputes can occur


How Do I Register?

Speak to our team about registering your will with Certainty by getting in touch.

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Still have questions?

One of our expert solicitors would be happy to provide answers. Get in touch with Ward & Rider Solicitors today to speak to us, or to book a consultation.