Trusted providers of legal services for over 70 years
Trusted providers of legal services since 1948, Ward & Rider offer a range of high-quality legal services to all areas of the UK.
Established over 70 years ago, Ward & Rider have been trusted providers of legal services ever since, developing a reputation for quality and excellence.
Elisa and team was thorough and efficient in dealing with my conveyancing.
I have recommended them to friends and colleagues as I was so impressed with their punctuality and gracious handling of a nervous first time buyer.
There were some issues along the way, that although they were not their fault, they explained to me carefully and made sure I was aware of any developments.
Whatever your legal needs might be, contact us today to talk to one of our expert solicitors or to book a consultation. Our main office is based in Coventry, but we have offices throughout the Midlands, so you be sure to be able to find a lawyer nearby.
Trusted providers of legal services for over 70 years
Ward & Rider Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 7105531; VAT number 272 8052 58 Registered Office: 2 Manor Yard, New Union Street, Coventry, CV1 2PF Authorised and regulated by theSolicitors Regulation Authority (Number 532992) and subject to the Solicitors Code of Conduct at Details of Directors are available at our registered office The Company maintains professional indemnity ins urance in accordance with the Rules of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Details of the insurers and the territorial coverage of the policy are available for inspection at our office.
© Ward & Rider Ltd