The claimant’s details have been changed but this is indeed a true case
Phil Mulryne acted for Mrs S the claimant to pursue a claim for personal injuries following an accident the claimant was involved in on a bus.
The claimant was in the process of stepping onto the bus when the automatic doors shut on her foot resulting in an injury to her right foot/ankle.
The diagnosed with a ligament injury and suffered from personal injury symptoms for the region of 9 months following the incident.
The claimant was absent from work for a period of around 8 months. Originally the claimant was off work for 6 months and had to return to work using a walking stick but was unable to cope with carrying out her role so was off work for a further couple of months.
The claimant’s job involved her being on her feet for around 6 hours a day and there was no way with her restrictions that she was able to continue to work during this period.
During the time off work the claimant was paid in full but under the terms of her contract was duty bound to reclaim from the defendant all wage payments made to her by her employers during the period of absence from work.
The claimant had to rely on taxis following the accident and incurred total costs in the region of £258. She also made payments of £450 to a friend who helped her carrying out cleaning at her home and also collecting groceries for the claimant during the initial period of incapacity.
When the claim was put to the bus company liability was admitted.
I valued personal injury damages at a figure in the region of £4,500 together with loss of earnings of £15,948.37 with the taxi fares and payments to claimant’s friend.
The defendant’s put forward an offer of £4,400 for personal injury damages and agreed to meet the cost of other losses and expenses.
This offer was deemed to be reasonable and accepted