The claimants details have been changed but this is indeed a true case
Phil Mulryne acted for Mr W, the Claimant, to pursue a claim for personal injuries.
The Claimant was at a show which over-ran and when walking in the adjacent car park, tripped and fell over a kerb. Because the show over-ran the car park lights which worked on a timer were out so the car park area was pitch black.
As the Claimant fell he landed on his back and bashed his head on the ground.
He was taken to the local Hospital and had a CT scan to check he had not sustained any head injury. The scan was clear and the Claimant didn’t have any ongoing problems with his head.
He had hurt his back and had badly bruised his coccyx, he also sustained some various cuts and bruises.
The Claimant went to see his GP about 10 days afterwards and he was prescribed painkillers and told to rub in painkilling gel.
Gradually his symptoms improved. He didn’t have any physio but attended on 3 occasions for massages which eased the pain and stiffness in his back.
The cuts and bruises resolved within a couple of weeks.
Within a period of 5 months his back symptoms had resolved.
For about 2 months he had help with his wife with his personal hygiene and getting dressed/undressed due to his restrictions.
Client also incurred some costs for travelling expenses in attending medical appointments and also shopping for 2 or 3 weeks because he was unable to drive for this period.
The Claimant lost his glasses when he fell over and because of the darkness he couldn’t locate them at the time. When he went back at a later date they couldn’t be located. He also incurred some costs due to the blood from the cuts on his clothing.
Liability was admitted by the Defendants when the claim was submitted and once medical evidence was obtained to support the Claimant’s claim settlement proposals were put forward.
An offer of £2,600.00 was put forward for personal injury damages which was reasonable and accepted and in addition the care and assistance provided by his wife was met together with the other expenses.
Contact one of our Personal Injury team on 02476 555 400.