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Case Study

£22,000 Compensation for ‘Prank’ Which Went Wrong

The claimants details have been changed but this is indeed a true case

Phil Mulryne acted for a client pursuing a personal injury claim.

Our client was attending a party when, as a prank, someone prevented them from leaving a room by pulling the door handle shut from the other side of the door.

Unfortunately, as a result of this, our client trapped their thumb between the door and door frame, sustaining a partial amputation of the tip of their thumb.

Our client attended the A & E department of a local hospital and underwent urgent treatment. Whilst our client has made a reasonable recovery they continue to experience pain and discomfort to their thumb with a reduced grip.

Our client was off work for a sustained period and now has some ongoing restrictions particularly when using tools for work.

After negotiation responsibility for the accident was admitted by the Defendant’s insurers.

In addition to personal injury compensation, our client also recovered loss of earnings and damages for their handicap on the open labour market due to their symptoms.

The Defendant’s insurers initially put forward an offer of £10,000 for personal injury damages with loss of earnings to be agreed separately. A counter offer was put forward in the sum of £25,000 with settlement eventually being reached in the sum of £22,000, following the commencement of Court proceedings.

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