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Case Study

Accident at work due to trip hazard

The claimant’s details have been changed but this is indeed a true case

Phil Mulrynes acted for Mr G, the Claimant, following an accident at work.

The Claimant was working at his employer’s premises when he tripped over an air pipe that had been left curled up on the floor.

The Claimant did not have chance to put out his arms to protect his fall and he smashed his face on the floor with the nose taking the brunt of the impact. It was not thought that the Claimant lost consciousness but he sustained nasty cuts and bruises to his nose and face. He attended hospital. He was assured that he had not suffered any broken bones and was discharged.

The claim was put to his employer’s representatives who accepted responsibility for the claim.

The Claimant suffered from pain to his chest/ribs for around four months and he also as a consequence suffered some congestion on his right lung.

He continued to experience discomfort to his nose and suffered a loss of smell which eventually resolved during the course of the following few months. The bridge of his nose was cut and this has left some scarring.

The Claimant was off work for a month or so and lost in the region of £1,300 earnings.

The details of the claim were put to the Defendant’s representatives who put forward an offer of £1,900 plus loss of earnings and other miscellaneous expenses. This offer was clearly too low and was increased to £2,000, then £7,000 and subsequently £7,500 was agreed between the parties to represent a reasonable settlement for the claim.

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