Trusted providers of legal services for over 70 years


Ward & Rider is committed to ensuring we communicate correctly and safely.

If you have any concerns about emails of other types of electronic communication that originates from ourselves please contact us immediately. 

If your details or preferred method of communication changes, please let us know as soon as possible. We will take appropriate action to ensure such changes are legitimate and correct. This may require additional verification.

Email Messaging

Whenever we send emails, the message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you receive any emails from us in error, please notify the sender and destroy your copies of the message and any attached files. If you are not the intended recipient or receive it in error you may not read, copy, distribute or make any other use of the email or its contents.

Bank Account Details

Please note, we will never inform you that our bank details have changed via email.

Internet Communications

Internet communications are not always as secure as we would all want and we do not accept legal responsibility for any message transmitted over a public network.

Viruses and Spyware

We have made every effort to ensure that emails and any attachments are free from viruses. We constantly monitor our network for threats and ensure our system protection is up-to-date. However, we cannot accept any responsibility for any viruses that are transmitted. Please inform us immediately if you have any concerns about communications that originate from Ward & Rider.

If you have any question regarding the above information please call our Coventry Head Office.